Our Lady of Hope is the very best Catholic school in the region.
Here are some of the facts:
OLH averages approximately 22 students per classroom. This is the smallest class size around!
OLH is grounded in the Catholic faith.
OLH is fully accredited by the Middle States Association
OLH students come first. We have over 35 professional full and part time teaching faculty on staff.
In addition we have a reading specialist, math specialist, speech teacher and counselor. We have a Resource Room, staffed by a full time teacher and a partime We have a 11:1 faculty to student ratio.
OLH uses the LabLearner Science Program, the most dynamic, lab-based science curriculum available.
OLH is technology-driven. We have computer labs, iPads, Netbooks, Smartboards and actively works to integrate today’s technology into the classroom.
OLH is dedicated to the arts. We offer Music, Art and Spanish for all students K-8.
OLH is sports. We have a dynamic sports program and we are the only school with a soccer program in the area!
Our Lady of Hope offers a competitive and rigorous education built on the tradition of the Catholic faith and grounded in timeless values. Our program includes with Pre-K for 3 and 4 year old children and continues through 8th grade. We even offer an afternoon CARES and early morning drop-off for working parents.
21st century technology is critical to our curriculum. Each class room is equipped with Smartboards. There are over 200 Netbooks and Chromebooks currently available for students.
Our Lady of Hope Regional Catholic School creates thoughtful, discerning learners through a through a well-rounded curriculum. This occurs in a safe and caring environment faithful to the Catholic tradition of loving God and others through prayer and service. By also stressing responsible digiital citzenship via technology, incorporating the fine arts and focusing on learners' health and wellness, we are preparing our students to be difference makers and leaders within the global community.
In 2012-2013, Our Lady of Hope Regional School was born as a new tradition and history in South Philadelphia. Our Lady of Hope merged the legacy and tradition of three parish communities. With the strong foundation from Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Sacred Heart of Jesus and Epiphany of Our Lord, Our Lady of Hope built a new and bright future for Catholic education in South Philadelphia.